Calfrac is an organization with strong values of responsibility and integrity
Our Code of Business Conduct (the “Code”) and Supplier Code of Conduct (the “Supplier Code”) outline the fundamental principles for conducting business with the highest ethical and legal standards and is consistent with the core values and management philosophy of Calfrac. Additional information can be found on the Corporate Governance page.
Calfrac is committed to a workplace where open and honest communications are the expectation, not the exception
We want our employees, business partners and members of the public to feel comfortable in approaching their supervisor or our management, as the case may be, in instances where it is believed violations of laws, or Calfrac’s policies have occurred. However, in situations where you prefer to place an anonymous report relating to actual or possible violations, you are encouraged to use the whistleblower hotline, hosted by an independent third party ethics service provider, EthicsPoint.
The information you provide will be sent to us by EthicsPoint on a confidential and anonymous basis if you should choose. Calfrac commits to following up on your claim promptly and discreetly.
Calfrac employees will not be dismissed, demoted, or suspended and no retaliatory action will be taken against employees for reporting or inquiring in good faith about actual or potential breaches of the laws or Calfrac’s policies, or for seeking guidance on how to handle suspected breaches.
Business partners including customers, contractors, suppliers and members of the public will not be penalized and no retaliatory action will be taken against a business partner or member of public for reporting or inquiring in good faith about actual or potential breaches of the laws, the Code or Supplier Code, or for seeking guidance on how to handle suspected breaches.

Calfrac’s Board of Directors and Leadership Team appreciate your support and cooperation as we all do our part to conduct business in accordance with the highest ethical and legal standards.